Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Day 4: The science centre

Today we went to the science centre!!!
Here are some photos.
This is Lily in the tunnel outside


The weird photos are a thing in the science centre where you add things to your face and it looks yuk.
There was games there too! there was also a cave where you go in it.

And they were about to close when we went out!!!
And I am trying to make longer posts so keep reading.

We only went to the 6th and 5th floors.
In the cave mum and dad went ROAR!!!
On the 5th floor something said press da BRB (Big Red Button)
and then it said turn around so I did and the door opened!!! there was a bunch of tests inside.
(TV Voice) And that is the end of another really short post of.... (drumroll) ONE LITTLE PENGUIN IN TORONTO AND ENGLAND!!! (clap clap)
🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧 (there will be a longer one tomorrow)


  1. You are seeing a lot in Toronto! Although I don't really like what happens to your faces when you are there.....
    So, do you recommend the city to those of us who haven't been?
    Really love your blog - xo G.P

    1. Yes I would recommend it it was really good!
