Monday, May 20, 2019

Day 1 - 2: Plane, Toronto island and the CN tower In Toronto

There was nothing yesterday because I had jet lag from the plane.😦
Today we went to Toronto Island and there was an oink oink here and an oink oink there oldmcdonald.
( There was an amusement park/barn thingy)
And we saw a....... 
Their name is the mini pig.🐖

we saw other animals like........ bunnies and

And then we went to the CN tower!🗼(the emoji has the wrong tower)
we went to the oval shaped thing near the top.
The View
And at the amusement park there was a log ride and we went on it!
the log ride
There was a conveyer belt that took you up a HUGE bump and then you fall down really fast!
And then we went to our hotel.
(and washed the movie WallE.)

And then it was now.


  1. Wow! You did a lot! So what did the little pig think about the CN tower? I bet he loved the log ride. Or are pigs afraid of heights? Penguins are too sometimes.
    xo G. Penguin

  2. The pig did not go to the CN tower or the log ride! And also by the way, me and mom
    went to a ride where you drive an antique car! and there is now a blog day 3 which is published now! we go to Niagara Falls!
